Derwent Woodturning Club

Derwent Woodturning Club


Club News and Announcments

Club Night - New Format Success

Our meeting on 1st March 2023 saw the introduction of a slightly altered format for Open Evenings.  Discussion at the Recent AGM pointed to the fact that Members wished to see the re-introduction of the 20 minute Turn.  The Chairman also wanted to see members getting "more involved" and suggested that Open Eveneings should be renamed Club Nights and on these occasions we would get all four club lathes out together with club gouges and the clubs Sorby ProEdge. The aim is to encourage people to get turning.  After some discussion this evolved into a re-introduction of the 20 minute Turn at Club Nights and members being encouraged to 'have a go'.  In addition, novices would also be positively encouraged to have a go under the guidance of a more experienced turner if they wished.

Our meeting on 1st March was the first Club Night following the new format and we were pleased to say that it was a success.  Members had been told the blank that would be required for the evening and Dave Winter was on hand armed with suitable blanks for the event.  It was decided that we should start with something simple and the 'Turn'  was a Mushroom!

From the outset all four lathes were in use.  Paul Bellamy took two novices in hand and turned a piece of green wood.  Everyone was impressed by the ribbons streaming from his lathe. Others had a go at turning, some with more success  than others.  A demonstration that things can go wrong even for more experienced turners.

However, the success story for the evening was that new turners did have a go.  Three out of four visitors had a go as did one reluctant novice member. Encouragement from more experienced turners helped and though not all finished the project they had a go and started to see the desired shape emerge.  All those holding a gouge for the first time said they enjoyed the creative experience.

And we shouldn't forget that Lol Poole earned the title Professor ProEdge!

Grant Funding

The club has been awarded a grant of £1,353 by Foundation Derbyshire.

This is a generous grant and has allowed the club to purchase a set of gouges for use with each of the four lathes already owned by the club. The grant also provided for the purchase of a sharpening system to keep the new gouges in good condition.

Already we have seen that having sets of gouges available is enabling more activity at "hands-on" club meetings.

This grant is a great enabler giving beginners and those with no workshop or tools of their own to participate and develop their skills.

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